Thursday, November 08, 2007

Giving up smoking Part 2

I’m trying to give up smoking again. I’m using a different technique this time. Last time I went straight from fags to the patches, and I didn’t reduce the need for nicotine at any point. Well that didn’t last for long. Why bother using the patches when you can smoke and smoking is more pleasurable than patches? A twisted logic but a logic nonetheless.

Here are my new techniques:

Steady reduction in nicotine:
This time round I’ve gradually reduced the amount that I smoke day by day halving that amount. Yesterday I had 3, the day before 6, so today I shall have one although the aim is to have none. This way I’ve reduced my need for nicotine.

Not enjoying cigarettes:

Remember you weren’t enjoying them so don’t start again
They were damaging you and you know it
Don’t forget the FEAR of the unknown

Distracting the Crave:

Rather than craving cigarettes I’m aiming to crave the patch.
Chewing gum – industrial quantities
Putting on weight – seems to be de rigeur

The Positive Side

One day at a time
Self-discipline – you’ve had too many years of not caring how much you smoke, how about a time of reasserting that control you once had
You don’t smoke weed anymore so why are you still smoking tobacco?


Sshake said...

I believe you can do, and you must believe yourself as well!
Play Up!

Sshake said...
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yajur said...

Wonderful blog & good post.Its really helpful for me, awaiting for more new post. Keep Blogging!

Giving up Smoking