Thursday, November 16, 2006

Look: a 1980s Flake Ad

I'm so hip that I post videos on youtube:

That said , I just don't get myspace et al. I mean the saviours of mankind the Arctic Monkeys came from Myspace but how much shit must you have to trawl through to find something half decent? Not that I've listened to the Arctic Monkeys. I've only just listened to the first Kasabian album. I bought it when it was released, listened to it once - I liked that Madchester single which I heard on xfm, thought the album was unutterably shite and got my money back from virgin. Then I heard it in Thailand and it was good (I was stoned...) and downloaded it and its all good apart from track 4 which is irritating like Led Zeppelin. Stupid whiny voice.

Grand National are good. One of the best random albums I've bought (Kicking the National Habit). Talking of which I spent £25 on random cds in Fopp the other day. Its a great shop for that. I got some good ones too. Problem is that they get loaded into my mp3 player and the next day I can't remember what they were and can never find them. Its like I never bought them in the first place...

Should get on with some work now...

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