Wednesday, February 21, 2007

9/11 End of the Conspiracy

My work has been a little dull of late which means I’ve been spending more and more time perusing the internet. Of course being in a work environment means that I don’t have free reign, and so I have to stick to sites I regard as work safe – the Guardian and Wiki and so on. I also have to steer clear of video and pictures. Today there was an article regarding the every growing 9/11 Truth Movement, the BBC documentary demolishing it last Sunday night, and an internet film called Loose Change which has been viewed 4.7 million times on Google Video/Youtube.

Personally I think that the whole 9/11 conspiracy things is a load of bollocks. I accept that there are lots of weird coincidences and some proof which seems pretty convenient and that the US response at the time was frighteningly cack-handed. If you don’t know them, the main conspiracies are that:

1) The twin towers were brought down by a controlled explosion

2) WTC 7 (a 40 storey building that collapsed later in the day) was brought down by a controlled explosion

3) The Pentagon was not hit by a hijacked plane but by something else – a cruise missile.

4) United 93 was shot down.

5) 4000 Jews were told to not to go to work that day

6) and so on

I had a good look into this, and luckily being the cynic that I am I managed to extricate myself from the quagmire of supposition, misquotes and selective evidence before it completely drowned me. And why? Anyone with a brain knows that using the internet to self-diagnose a personal illness is madness. Similarly, the internet is the biggest game of Chinese Whispers ever. Yes there are reputable sites and reputable news sources, but in the same breath there are all the rantings of the insane and righteous and believers ad infinitum. To think that by using the internet of all things to glean any information for anything so un-cut and dried as 9/11… that’s how easy it is – I almost went on a rant there out of the blue on the random rantiness of the internet.

My point – it almost got lost there – my point is this:

1) Governments are completely inept at just about everything they do. We have the Civil Service and they are fucking useless. So any suggestion that Bush and Cheney and Co could organise something like that is madness.

2) There have been no whistle-blowers from a cast of thousands

Enough of my ranting, here’s the evidence:


People with too much time on their hands


Everybody else. Not the nutjobs.

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