Wednesday, January 25, 2006

I tried but failed to get the links to work on the right side bar. I'm at work and html is a bit too detailed to be getting into right now.

There's (obviously) some great animation on the web, and there's this guy called Monkeehub who did the video for that JCB song that got to No. 1 just before Christmas. They also did a stunning animation for Radiohead's Creep. You'll need flash:

I found it by chance using a search engine randomiser called Stumble:

It works best (like all these things) in Mozilla. You tick a load of boxes to choose the subject you're interested in. Then a Stumble button sits at the top of your browser. When you're bored you click stumble and then off you go. The beauty is, and this is where the magic lies, that it only finds quality sites. It could so easily be crap. But its not, its great. That's how I found the Monkeehub site.

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